Episode 19
Deep Dive into the Teaching Breakthrough and Becoming
Welcome to the Kingdom Reformation Podcast with Glenn Bleakney
The team takes a deep dive into the recent podcast by Glenn Bleakney on the topic of "Balancing Breakthrough and Becoming"
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God's Kingdom, a concept central to biblical teachings and theological discourse, encompasses both the present reality of God's reign in believers' hearts and the future consummation of His rule over all creation. The advancement of this Kingdom occurs through a fascinating interplay of dramatic, transformative moments and gradual, steady growth. This dual nature of Kingdom advancement reflects the multifaceted ways in which God works in our world and in individual lives.
Dramatic Moments: Powerful Waves of the Holy Spirit
Throughout history, there have been periods of intense spiritual awakening and revival that have profoundly impacted individuals, communities, and even entire nations. These dramatic moments are often characterized by a tangible sense of God's presence and power manifesting in extraordinary ways. When the Holy Spirit is poured out in abundance, it can feel like a tidal wave of divine energy washing over believers, reminiscent of the Day of Pentecost described in Acts 2.
Rapid Transformation and Renewal
In these moments of spiritual intensity, people often experience rapid and dramatic changes in their lives. Long-standing addictions may be broken instantly, deep-seated emotional wounds can be healed, and hardened hearts may suddenly soften to receive God's love. Physical healings, emotional restoration, and spiritual renewal are common hallmarks of these dramatic outpourings. People may find themselves suddenly freed from chronic illnesses, mental health struggles, or spiritual oppression.
Signs and Wonders
Accompanying these powerful moves of the Spirit are often supernatural manifestations that defy natural explanation. These may include prophecies, visions, miraculous healings, or other phenomena that point to the reality of God's intervention in human affairs. Such signs and wonders serve to strengthen faith and draw attention to the message of the Kingdom.
Extraordinary Divine Intervention
During these periods, there's often a sense that God is moving in ways that transcend the ordinary. Prayers may be answered with uncanny specificity, seemingly impossible situations might be resolved, and there may be a heightened awareness of God's guidance and providence in daily life.
Gradual Maturation: The Steady Growth of the Kingdom
Prayer as a Cornerstone
Consistent, persistent prayer forms the foundation of this gradual growth. Through daily communion with God, believers align their hearts with His will and become more attuned to His voice. This ongoing dialogue shapes character, deepens faith, and gradually transforms individuals from the inside out.
Obedience in the Small Things
The Kingdom advances through countless small acts of obedience. When believers choose to follow God's leading in their daily decisions - showing kindness to a stranger, resisting temptation, or speaking truth in love - they are actively participating in the expansion of God's rule.
Perseverance Through Trials
The steady growth of the Kingdom is often forged in the crucible of trials and challenges. As believers persevere through difficulties, clinging to faith and trusting in God's promises, their character is refined and their testimony strengthened.
Daily Rhythms of Spiritual Development
God's Kingdom grows as individuals are drawn into relationship with Him, one at a time. The daily rhythms of spiritual disciplines - studying Scripture, worship, fellowship with other believers, and acts of service - provide the consistent nourishment needed for long-term spiritual growth.
The Eternal Significance of the Mundane
Redefining Significance
By recognizing the eternal value of everyday faithfulness, we're challenged to recalibrate our definition of what's truly significant. Simple acts of forgiveness, moments of patience, or choices to prioritize spiritual growth may seem unremarkable, but in God's economy, these actions carry immense weight.
The Hidden Work of God
Much of God's work in advancing His Kingdom happens beneath the surface, unseen by human eyes. Like a seed germinating underground before it breaks through the soil, the most profound spiritual growth often occurs in the hidden places of the heart.
Cumulative Effect of Small Choices
The power of gradual growth lies in its cumulative effect. While a single act of obedience may seem insignificant, the compounded impact of thousands of such choices over a lifetime can result in profound transformation and far-reaching influence for the Kingdom.
Reshaping Worldviews
As believers internalize this understanding of the mundane's eternal significance, it reshapes their entire worldview. Routine tasks become opportunities for worship, daily interactions become potential Kingdom encounters, and the ordinary rhythms of life are infused with sacred purpose.
The Paradox of Kingdom Advancement
Embracing Both Dynamics
Mature faith recognizes and values both the dramatic outpourings and the gradual processes of Kingdom growth. Rather than prioritizing one over the other, believers are called to embrace both dynamics, understanding that God works through both means to accomplish His purposes.
Breakthroughs and Process
The journey of faith often involves periods of breakthrough - moments of sudden insight, deliverance, or empowerment - interspersed with long seasons of steady growth and patient endurance. Both elements are necessary for holistic spiritual development and the advancement of God's Kingdom.
Sudden Change and Patient Development
While sudden, dramatic changes can catalyze growth and inspire faith, patient, long-term development is often where lasting transformation occurs. The integration of both sudden and gradual change creates a robust and resilient faith capable of withstanding various challenges.
Mountaintop Experiences and Valley Walks
The spiritual journey encompasses both exhilarating mountaintop experiences - moments of clarity, intimacy with God, and spiritual highs - and long walks through valleys of challenge, doubt, and perseverance. Both terrains are essential for spiritual formation and the expansion of God's Kingdom.
The Spirit's Equal Work
Perhaps most importantly, the Holy Spirit is equally at work in all these varied experiences. Whether in dramatic outpourings or quiet moments of faithfulness, in sudden breakthroughs or gradual growth, the same divine power is actively advancing God's Kingdom.
In Summary
The advancement of God's Kingdom manifests through a profound interplay of the extraordinary and the ordinary. This divine reign progresses through powerful movements of the Spirit that reverberate across nations, as well as through the quiet, steadfast faithfulness of believers in their daily walk.
To fully participate in God's work of establishing His Kingdom on earth, we must embrace both the dramatic and the gradual aspects of spiritual growth. This involves recognizing the value in both momentous events and mundane routines, understanding that each plays a vital role in the unfolding of God's plan.
As we journey through our spiritual lives, it is crucial to remain receptive to sudden outpourings of God's Spirit, anticipating with eager hearts the moments of breakthrough and transformation. Yet equally important is our commitment to the daily disciplines of faith, acknowledging the profound significance of our seemingly small acts of obedience and love.
By engaging in this dual approach, we become active participants in the advancement of God's Kingdom. We cooperate with His Spirit to manifest glimpses of heaven on earth, gradually transforming our world through each day lived in faith, each person touched by grace, and each choice made in alignment with God's will.